Shooting of our first short film

If I haven’t been posting much here is because I have been busy with several unfinished projects. Improving the online shop dKillerPanda World is a task that will never end, because I have to be constantly renewing the stock and also the product images or interface of the site. You know, these kind of things have to be in constant movement! But I also have been busy working on short film scripts and some music, besides other stuff. So far the music is still too eclectic and strange, pretty much only bunch of noises, so I can’t find no “productive” use for it. But who knows, maybe someday I will find one!

But one of the goals I had to achieve before the end of this year was to have done our first short film. And that task is in the right way! Me as the script writer and main responsable of the story, Aina Riu directing and editing, and both of us taking care of all the production issues. Early this summer I finished the script for a little story which I named “Escape”. It’s a little hard to describe what it is about, let’s just say it’s a simple 10 minutes thriller. But still, it has its twists and tension.

Shooting of our first short film    Shooting of our first short film     Shooting of our first short film     Shooting of our first short film     Shooting of our first short film

So the goal was to shoot the short film before the summer ended, so we knew the last 2 weeks of August would be the time of the shooting. In late July we did some auditions for the 2 main characters and I think I must say we were very lucky, because we found 2 excelent actors, so different from eachother but with a special chemestry. Of course, we did some rehearsals before the shooting days, and then the chemestry grew even stronger. They really made those 2 characters their own. So we had a great cast and we also managed to get together a small technical crew of a sound guy and cameraman under the orders of Aina. And then, the shooting happened. 2 different days for 2 different locations, and it was done.

Shooting of our first short film

Right now we are in the process of post-production, still finishing the edition and needing to mix the sound and search for the music in the film. But hey, the biggest part is done!! And, no doubt about it, the most important thing of it all was to take the steps to go for it and see we were totally capable to carry on the project and get more than attractive results.

So before the end of the year the short movie “Escape” will be finished, and then we will try to have screenings to as many film festivals as possible. I will write again about it when is the time and I have more news. From now, let’s go on working on the last steps for it to have it finished and keep on writing more stuff. Who knows, maybe by the end of the year a second short film can be in the works!

Shooting of our first short film